

Delivering Geriatric care in a FFS setting is challenging. Its also very common. This team helps you navigate the system to get the resources you patients deserve. (more)

Delivering Geriatric care in a FFS setting is challenging. Its also very common. This team helps you navigate the system to get the resou...

This is a members only test site to see if we can improve the knowledge synthesis and knowledge translation ability of the freestanding MH-PCN site  (more)

This is a members only test site to see if we can improve the knowledge synthesis and knowledge translation ability of the freestanding M...

This group builds info pages with broadly applicable resources that regional hospitalist sub-sites can subscribe to  (more)

This group builds info pages with broadly applicable resources that regional hospitalist sub-sites can subscribe to

Where Ontario Doctors with an interest in clinical research can meet to share ideas (more)

Where Ontario Doctors with an interest in clinical research can meet to share ideas